How to install OpenWrt?

Jun 5, 2015

First you need to choose the router model. I have only tried TP-Link TL-WR703N, TL-MR3020 and TL-MR10U models. Here are the specifications of the devices:

If you are installing OpenWrt for the first time you can read instructions from official OpenWrt wiki:

The process is not complicated, just follow these steps:

  1. Download OpenWrt Barrier Breaker 14.07 binary file for the appropriate model: TL-WR703N, TL-MR3020 or TL-MR10U
  2. Connect a network cable between your PC and the device, and set a static IP on your PC of (subnet mask: for TL-WR703N and TL-MR10U; or (subnet mask: for TL-MR3020.

  3. TP-Link TL-WR703N

    TP-Link TL-MR3020

    TP-Link TL-MR10U

  4. Head to the TP-Link admin interface on ( Login with user admin and password admin
  5. Find the Router Upgrade link on the left-hand menu (the webinterface may be chinese) or go directly to (
  6. Upload the appropriate OpenWrt binary file to the device.
  7. Wait 2-3 minutes for the firmware to upload and the device to reboot.
  8. TL-MR3020 only: set a static IP on your PC of (subnet mask:
  9. Login to your device via telnet
  10. Type passwd into the prompt. You will be prompted to set a new password for the user root.
  11. After you set a password the telnet daemon will be disabled, type exit into the prompt.
  12. Without reboot, SSH is now available; login again with ssh root@
  13. Configure /etc/config/network with an IP address, gateway and DNS servers that allow the device to access the Internet. For example, you can remove 'wan' interface (wi-fi) and configure 'lan' interface (wired ethernet) to get an IP address from the main home router, use DHCP:

      config interface 'loopback'
          option ifname 'lo'
          option proto 'static'
          option ipaddr ''
          option netmask ''
      config interface 'lan'
          option ifname 'eth0'
          option type 'bridge'
          option proto 'dhcp'
  14. Configure /etc/config/system with the time zone, for example:

        option timezone MSK-3
    A list of possible values is in the TZ string column of the Time Zones table.
  15. Reboot the device to apply the settings.
  16. Disconnect a network cable between your PC and the device, connect your PC and the OpenWrt device to the home LAN usual way.
  17. Visit your main home router web interface to know new IP address of the OpenWrt device if you use DHCP in your LAN.

If you want to reflash OpenWrt:

References: 1, 2